Arduino Analog Pins --> Flash CS3 ... HELP!

Hey Everybody...

I'm exhausted. And in need of some help. I'm trying to do something like what was done here:

Only a lot prettier.
I currently am running Firmata on my Arduino Diecimila. I have servproxy up and running, and I had just recently discovered as3glue which I believe is loaded in Flash's language. I have a simple light sensor hooked to Arduino's first analog pin which reads from 0-999 but centers at about 450 in the ambient light. I simply want Flash to read the value and do what I tell it!

While following these instructions: protolab / FirmataAndFlash

I could get the first example of the digital pin being read by Flash CS3 to work, but the second, more important, example involving the analog pins I could not for the life of me get to work at all!

I keep receiving this error:

Anyone know what's going on?

I have been stuck on this for countless hours... Getting Arduino and Flash to get along is a real pain in the butt... But if I could only get it to work... Oh, oh! The possibilities!!

Any help is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! :-? :smiley:


All that talk up there is jazz.

What I really need to know is: How do I get Flash to read Arduino's analogpins through ServProxy?

hi, did you get this working? I've got flash cs3 reading input from analog pins - see my blog for a few examples.

Let me know, i might be able to help :slight_smile:

I have seen your examples in the past. Very cool.

If you don't mind reading, I'd like to explain to you my idea. What I'm working on I've titled the Lina Box (After my girlfriend). The reason I call it this is because it is powered by piezo speakers fed through a photocell to create noise. There are little pins that go up/down on the piezo's hole in the center which cause an audio effect something like Lina sounds.

I want to rig up a linear-taper potentiometer that will trigger a character on the screen to scream in unison with the sound coming from the piezo. I just need to know the code necessary to make Flash read the analoginput, and as it rises, cut to different frames in a flash movieclip.

I'm very experienced making animations in Flash. It's what I've been doing as a hobby since I was a little kid. This is my first experience rigging up an interactive flash outside of the screen...

I'm in a hole at the moment... Any help is much appreciated.

... It's boring and dark in here!