Arduino Analog Pressure Sensor Readings

Hey, I'm working on a project right now to control 7 solenoids and a 12 V motor for an SMG. I want to use a pressure sensor, the pressure sensor is analog and will output a voltage signal from 0.5 - 4.5 V, I want to know if an Arduino will be able to read from a sensor like this, so I would just be able to connect the sensor to ground and +5 V, and then connect the feed to the analog input pin of the Arduino to be able to read the voltage signal.


If You post a link to the datasheet of the sensor You sure get precise answers instead of guesses.
My guess is that most Arduino would do the job. Know there are between 10 and 20 different "Arduino"....

Please provide more info about the sensor - manual/datasheet or link to the seller www page

I can't find the datasheet for the exact device but here is the link a similar device, Pressure Transducer .

I'm using a Bluno Mega from DFRobot.

Edit: The pressure sensor I'm using has a range from 0-100 bar and is scaled from 0.5 V - 4.5 V with 0.5 V being 0 bar and 4.5 V is then 100 bar.

yes, it will
Connect red wire to +5v, black to GND and green to any analog input pin

Okay cool! Is it going to give me a number it bits?

No, your sensor outputs analog signal as you said yourself in the post 4

Since that is a ratiometric sensor, with output ranging from 10% to 90% of the 5V ADC reference voltage (10 bit ADC output 102 to 921), the scaling is simple

float pressure_in_bar = (ADC_reading - 102)*100.0/819.0;

Thanks jremington, that's what I was thinking as well, I'll test it out.

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