Arduino and 8-relay board

Hi guys. I've justo bought a 8-relay module ( and been working on it for a while...

Now, the question is: if I connect a digital pin to the board (on the number 1, for example), and declare it OUTPUT in the sketch, when I connect the ground and the VCC to the ground and the 5V pins of the Arduino, the relay recives energy and the internal circuit closes up. But when if use digitalWrite(pin, HIGH), so, it should be the moment in which the relay closes, the relay board stops suppling energy to the relay circuit until I set the pin LOW.

I feel it's working contrariwise..... Strange! :astonished:

Any idea about? I'd prefear the relay to be on only when i supply energy, when the pin is HIGH!

Thanks to everybody will answer me! :slight_smile:

That is the way most of those Asian relay boards work, supplying a digital LOW turns on the specific relay and supplying a HIGH turns off the relay. It just means you have to allow for that in your sketch code, nothing to worry about.


Hi Lefty!

It just means I've to set my pin normally HIGH, and set it LOW only when i need to close the relay, isn't it?

Thanks, Verkia

Hi Lefty!

It just means I've to set my pin normally HIGH, and set it LOW only when i need to close the relay, isn't it?

Thanks, Verkia
