i share this project for students and hobbyist in able to help them in their project..
basically the project was made in Java Eclipse "Android" and "Basic" but i
provide the codes for Arduino which you will see below.. btw i used an old
phone which is LG-E405 in this project..
here's the link for the rest of the codes in Android, you will find it below the video..
char incomingByte; // incoming data
int LED1 = 12; // LED pin
int LED2 = 11;
int LED3 = 10;
int LED4 = 9;
int LED5 = 8;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(38400); // initialization
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED5, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) { // if the data came
incomingByte = Serial.read(); // read byte
if(incomingByte == 'a') {
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // if 1, switch LED Off
if(incomingByte == 'b') {
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'c') {
digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'd') {
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'e') {
digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'f') {
digitalWrite(LED3, LOW); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'g') {
digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'h') {
digitalWrite(LED4, LOW); // if 0, switch LED on
Serial.println("LED ON. Press 0 to LED OFF!");
if(incomingByte == 'i') {
digitalWrite(LED5, HIGH); // if 0, switch LED on
if(incomingByte == 'j') {
digitalWrite(LED5, LOW); // if 0, switch LED on
Programs.zip (1.02 MB)