Arduino and Android

Does anyone know how to have an android device communicate with the arduino? Any good tutorials? Is the android IOIO a better choice?
I want to push notifications (IE, texts, emails, phone calls, alarms, calanders everts etc. from the my android to my anrduino via bluetooth. With that information I want to be able to control an led.
The main part that I need guidance on is the pushing over the notifications.
Does anyone know how to do this?

You'd be better off asking this question in an Android forum

Getting Android to talk to Arduino over bluetooth is pretty straightforward but how to program your Android, thats a whole other game

Get something like this:

Write an Android app that subscribes to the events you mentioned and sends instructions over serial to your Arduino.

You'd be better off asking this question in an Android forum

Getting Android to talk to Arduino over bluetooth is pretty straightforward but how to program your Android, thats a whole other game

Good advice.

I believe you need to get very specific about the Android device as well. One reason for buying my ICS tablet was to team up with an Arduino. It has no trouble seeing the Arduino bluetooth but I have tried every freebie bluetooth app in the shop, all to a lot of despair and no avail, and now do what I should have done in the first place - use a Dell XP laptop.

If you get(or make) a micro usb to plug that Is able to plug into the arduino there are apps that can do serial communication and other simple stuff(some do more) I think that this would be the cheapest and easiest option for you to do. I personally used a female to female usb connector, and just plugged my phone charger into the arduino cable. I leave the phone charger end hanging out in the hall at my dorm, and use serial communication to open the door(with a servo). I now also have a py script that checks my email and opens it, so this is obsolete unless im in a hurry.