Hello My Friends
I have a barcode printer ( Bixolon T400 ) and i need print barcode with arduino board ( DUE )
please help me for using the printer and board ( With Com port or parallel port )
thank you so much
Hello My Friends
I have a barcode printer ( Bixolon T400 ) and i need print barcode with arduino board ( DUE )
please help me for using the printer and board ( With Com port or parallel port )
thank you so much
Hi, welcome to this forum,
I don't own an labelprinter, but noticed you can find a SLCS programming manual for yours.
It should allow you to configure your printer, send texts, barcodes etc.
It probably will be easiest to use the serial port of the printer, which unfortunately doesn't support arduino TTL-signals. For that you'll need a max232-chip or simmilar.
Thank you, sir.
Can you tell me an example?
I am connected printer whith " Serial Port " to computer and run program " Serial Port Utility " and send manual commands
But not printed !
Sorry, that's hard to do without owning one.
According to the SLCS programming manual, the next should... print 2 barcodes, but it's hard to check from here.
Can you get it to work some... way using your computer and have you checked the dipswitches to configure settings of the rs-232 port ?
By the way,
If you can print, using the computer, but have problems by manually entering commands, it should be possible to place the due between Printer and computer using 2 serialports of your arduino.
If you program the due to read one serial port, send it to another serial port and vice versa, your printer should work normally, with the possibility to check what data is sent by the PC.
You'll need 2 max232-circuits/modules in that case.
thank @Simpson_Jr
i find dip-switches and setting up buandrate
but not connect to printer for send command
my serial port on computer work with another devices
sample command :
I know that your goal is to use your arduino, not... your PC.
But it is still uncertain why it doesn't work.
It could... be a problem with your printer as well.
Have you checked it by connecting a PC over serial port, just to test it ?
If you're able to print something (anything...) using the PC, we at least know that the printer and its RS-232 port are OK.
You can help me to create a standard serial cable for Bixolon T400?
I think the problem of the cable
thank you
It should require a normal cable, each pin number should be connected to the same pin number on the other end.
Something that is important is that you absolutely need an max232-chip/module, if you want to connect the due.
The serial port of your PC and printer use voltages varying from -15 to +15 volts to send data, while your Due is only capable of handling 0 and 3.3 volt. Connecting an Arduino directly could ruin its micro controller.
very thank you sir
i'm connect printer to pc via serial port and run printer commands
But a question
I have max232-chip like this :
my bixolon t400 printer need to connect all pin to computer
How do I connect to my board? :o
i find primary pins :
only this pins work
and my printer connect with this pins to computer and work fine
How do I connect to my board?
i'm not Find ( Data Terminal Ready ) Pin in DUE board ?!
You can probably use any pin for DTR. But do you really need it? Same with Request Send. All you probably need to do is connect the VCC of your MAX232 board to 3.3V, connect GND to ground, and connect RXD and TXD to Serial1 of your Due. Never connect the 9-pin cable directly to your Arduino, only through that MAX232 device.
Wait- you have a problem. The MAX232 will only function at 4.5-5.5 volts, not at the 3.3V which the Due uses. You will probably have to power the MAX232 with 5V and use either a level shifter or a resistor divider.
i find primary pins :
- Transmit Data
- Data Terminal Ready
- Request Send
only this pins work
and my printer connect with this pins to computer and work fineHow do I connect to my board?
i'm not Find ( Data Terminal Ready ) Pin in DUE board ?!
Hi, I have same problem
i can print barcode label directly from pc with serial cable but when i connect it to max3232 chip, its not work. is serial cable different for max3232?
I solved my problem , only pins number 2 3 and 5 are necessary , for connecting max3232 to pc your cable must be 2->2 , 3->3 and 5->5 but for connecting max3232 to T400 your cable must be 2->3 , 3->2 and 5->5.