Arduino and BlinkM

Ok so i bought a BlinkM and i have the communicator and stuff setup with arduino, works good

Alright so the question
Can i, easily.... easy is the key, setup an arduino with buttons to change colors/shades of BlinkM..... didnt say how many buttons or anything else...

But i'd like a button for brightness, a button for blue/red/green, 0-255, then loops back to 0.

so i guess 4 buttons? Bright/Red/Blue/Green? 0-255 int correct?
Now the wiring i'm not so shure about

Potentiometer, should probably be better, so probably better to have this huh?

So how would i go about adjusting from the pot. to RGB and Brightness?

i'm guessing since blinkm has 4 connections i'm gonna say
Ground, obvious
Power on pot would make brightness differ?
and other two, i2c, and other cable not to sure about, i'm guessing they are output pins?

Check the RGBpotmixer sketch here:

You can connect up the blinkm by i2c and it is pretty easy to then send it i2c commands for fading to colours on buttons and using a pot to adjust brightenss etc.
