Arduino and bruseless motor questions.

Hello I am trying to make a simple project here. I have a Arduino UNO, a ESC and a bruseless motor. What i want to do is, try to increase and decrease the speed of the motor using my arduino. No tablets, no mobiles, no other stuff...just some code in my arduino. I need some help here caz i am stuck...

My motor is adji 2212/920KV and my ESC-30A DC 2.5V-12.6V BEC 5V/2A. from hobbyposses i think...(strange font) :stuck_out_tongue:

so...i already have connected my black wire toground and my white wire to pin 9. My red wire from esc is free and as i saw it must not be connected caz it can burn everything. dunno why. I dont have any battery...what input must i have to give power to the ESC? Also, what about the coding part? The value that i can give as input is from 0 to 254 to te pin 9? Or i am completely wrong?

ps. I am newbie.. :expressionless: and thanks!!!

i saw it must not be connected caz it can burn everything

Huh? This red wire is probably the 5V BEC output. Test it with your multimeter. If it is 5V, connect it to the Arduino's 5V/VCC pin so it can power the Arduino.

Then control the ESC with: Servo - Arduino Reference

I am trying to mesure it out but i think my multimeter is broken or I dont know how to use it. Anyway 99% its a 5V so can i connect it? I have read in instructables that if I connect the red one i can damage my botha rduino and motor... :S Are you sure about what you said?

I dont fully understand the servo ad why i need it :confused: Can you explain a bit more please? :confused:

Instructables is a horrible source of information. Flip a coin, the coin is likely to be more accurate.

Typically, a BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) on an ESC is simple a linear 5V regulator tacked on to the ESC's Vin pin. It's conceivable that an ESC malfunctioning horribly could send a huge voltage spike back into Vin, which might toast the BEC regulator. And it's possible that at some point during the BEC's destruction, it could allow excessive voltage onto it's output pin, which in turn could toast the Arduino.

But this is a pretty unlikely scenario.

You can add a schottky diode (which will drop the voltage down a little below 5V, but this is harmless) in between the BEC and your Arduino's 5V/VCC pin. In the event of a disaster, the diode will sacrifice it's life in an attempt to protect your Arduino.

I dont fully understand the servo ad why i need it :confused: Can you explain a bit more please? :confused:

The Servo library outputs a PPM (Pulse Position Modulation). It's a HIGH pulse of 600-1800 microseconds followed by a LOW of several milliseconds. This is the language that the ESC expects a controlling device to speak.

In other words, an ESC isn't a servo, but you control it as if it were one.