Arduino(....) and in series for 3 Aspect Signals

In learning how to work with Arduinos, I find that all the wires get in the way on my Breadboard, so like having points on a layout, they getting their power vis the BUSS WIRES, can a Arduino in Series be used to control a series of Signals, that each Signal have its own Box along side, powered via the Buss Wires and WIRELESS and/or WIFI. This would get rid of a lots of wire, I hope
Thanks for your time

Yes, there are ways to do this, if you have the 'heft' to do the work. Drawing power from the DCC bus is one way, but I fail to see why a simple DC bus for powering accessories wouldn't suffice. Regardless, you could employ a series of Wifi nodes to do what you want. Consider how it scales up, though, because if you're implementing more than a small RR you'll be wanting dozens of nodes.
Look at Geoff Bunza's series of Arduino nodes, publicised in MRH, for ideas.
Another caveat - powering from the bus inherently means that any short circuit, derailment, etc. takes down any node powered from the bus, so you'll want some robust recovery scheme.
Have fun!

Thanks for your reply, I have had a look for GBs videos, I don't see one that has one like what I want and they old.
I don't mind the work if I know it can be done, what I have back so far is something similar.
CABINET with something(wireless) inside on top of the layout with the GUTS of the Arduino and what ever underneath to its own power cable, (I know that the THING IN THE WALL will bite you if you mistreat it) that's my limit of Electronics, I have played around with LEDS, Resistors, I have been able to make MARCOs for Points, what I have seen of TRAINCONTROLLER, 30 day use might help, BUT IS COSTLY, so for its wait and see.
More later perhaps

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