Arduino and LoRa

Hi guys!

I need some help and advice regarding a project!

I have to create LoRa gateway and node for sending temp and humidity over LoRa network

I have this LoRa modules

I didn't find anything similar with sx1262 chip. This chip is new in LoRa industry and only one or two libraries are available for Arduino IDE.

If anyone experienced knows how to connect this module on arduino let me know.

I have see the pins and didnt figure out how to connect them on Arduino UNO

Thanks in advance.

There are no LoRa libraries that I am aware of that support that particular device, although the manuafacturer might have provided example code perhaps.

Unfortunatley there are a number of un-necessary variations in the SX1262 modules, some have a SW pin (controls the RF switch) and some have RX_EN and TX_EN pins, the module manufacturers dont seem to have noticed that with suitable software the SX126X can handle the RX\TX switching internally.

This library;

Does support the basic SX126X, but although its known how to implement the RX\TX switching required for some SX126X devices its yet to be testred for the library, coming soon I believe.