Arduino and Nokia 3310 display. Is it possible?

Hey people
I have an old Nokia 3310 lying around and would like to use the display for a project. Would it be possible to control the display with the Arduino? It is a monochrome display with a resolution of 84x84 pixels.
My first thought was to use shift registers and multiplexing, but that seems to be the very hard way to do it. Is there a simpler way to do it?

I have no experience with controlling displays and I am just learning to control an 8x8 LED matrix with two shift registers, so bear with me if I am asking stupid questions.


Theres actually an Arduino Nokia 3310 shield available for £9.99 from

It makes it easy to hook the LCD up to the Arduino, and they also have a freely available Nokia 3310 library and code on that page that you might be interested in.

The shield has a joystick on it as well, so it might be worth just buying the shield rather than trying to use the one from your phone as it's so cheap.

They also have a Nokia 6610 shield available, although it's a bit more expensive at £19.99, but it has more pixels than the 3310.

Programmer: Hey, that looks good. I might try that. I want to take just the LCD part of the display and put it in and old dias-projector instead of the dias to make a cheap 'videoprojector'. Do you know if it is possible to take the LCD part put of the shield?


If you want it standalone like that, you might be better off using your screen from your Nokia, in conjunction with the library on that page. I actually have the shield above at home, but haven't got round to using it yet, so im not sure how much control logic there is on it. Ill dig it out and have a look later and post again (as its ages since I last looked at it :slight_smile: )