Hi, I have not used Arduino for a few years and have not been keeping up with the development. I think somebody mentioned that ATtiny85 was used to 'offload' some processing from Arduino. I have not used ATtiny85 before. Is it a less powerful microcontroller that can serve as a complete replacement for Arduino or it can be used as a sub-processor to take care of one specific task (e.g. motor control) and leave an Arduino connected to it to handle other tasks? How does it work?
You may play around to see the capabilities of ATtiny85 having the following Digispark ATtiny85 Dev Board which gives fantastic debugging facilities. You may read the data sheets of ATtiny85 to make cmpararson with ATmega328P of UNO Board. The attached file may worth reading.
Ch-19 ATtiny85 MCULec.pdf (364.6 KB)
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