Arduino and Pololu Servo Controller Tutorial?

Hello everybody. I am a complete newbie and decided to buy the Arduino starter kit from Adafruit. I also bought the Pololu Micro Serial Servo Controller from another merchant. I just finished the third lesson on Everything is starting to click (so far, so good).

I was wondering if there are any thorough tutorials on the net that focuses on working with the Arduino Diecimila, Pololu Micro Serial Servo Controller and rc servos. I've tried searching many different forums but only came across one (panobot). I am hoping there are others with diagrams, pics and such.

Please help,


hello joe,

did you know this tread :
that's some help about pololu servo controller.

bye fbm

Hello fbmfbm,

I did see this one (which is the panobot thread). I was hoping there were others out there.

Thanks though


i'm witing to receive my pololu servo controller board and looking to for info about it and interfacing with arduino....
if i find somthing other i'll share in this trade.


I appreciate that.