arduino and pyserial

I am trying to connect my arduino uno board to windows 8 through pyserial and send a series of numbers from arduino to pyserial. how would i go about doing this?

If using python. Then you need usb to TTL converted to interface with Arduino
Then only you can get data or send data over arduino.

If using python. Then you need usb to TTL converted to interface with Arduino
Then only you can get data or send data over arduino.

This is wrong.

You need to simply open the serial port in python and start sending data. Or recieving data.
Study the pose rial documentation.
The baud rate must be set the same as the arduino.
On the arduino end you use serial read and write just as you would with any serial input / output.

You need to simply open the serial port in python and start sending data. Or recieving data.
Study the pose rial documentation.
The baud rate must be set the same as the arduino.
On the arduino end you use serial read and write just as you would with any serial input / output.

You can try this out. I am sure it will
not going to work unless it has USB to ttl converter in case of arduino,
Yes it is true, you followed right process but i doubt it will work.


You need to simply open the serial port in python and start sending data. Or recieving data.
Study the pose rial documentation.
The baud rate must be set the same as the arduino.
On the arduino end you use serial read and write just as you would with any serial input / output.

You can try this out. I am sure it will
not going to work unless it has USB to ttl converter in case of arduino,
Yes it is true, you followed right process but i doubt it will work.

Why do you comment about things you know nothing about?
This is rubbish. I have done this many times.

What you think yourself. We also not done these kind of stuff. I have also programmed. i also tried these kind of stuff in python.I have written the statement on basis of trial runs done on arduino and python communication

What you think yourself. We also not done these kind of stuff. I have also programmed. i also tried these kind of stuff in python.I have written the statement on basis of trial runs done on arduino and python communication

Then you have no idea about what you have done. And very poor language skills in trying to express what you have done.

I have done this many times.

As have I. Several times in the last few days.

The only caveat is opening the serial port resets the Arduino. Which can be disabled with a capacitor or Exacto knife.

Waits for the Arduino to send an 'M'...

import serial

port = 'COM26'
#port = 'COM6'
baud = 1000000
timeout = 3

_serial = serial.Serial( port, baud, timeout=timeout )


gotsomething = False

for j in range(3):
  response = _serial.readline().decode( 'ascii' ).strip()
  if response != '':
    cracked = response.rstrip().split('\t')
    if cracked[0] == 'M':
      gotsomething = True

This demo illustrates Python to Arduino comms. It should work on any PC as long as the correct reference to the serial port is used.

The Arduino code also works just with the Arduino Serial Monitor.


Ive gotten as far now as sending data. it doesn't seem to be reeding it right.

Ive gotten as far now as sending data. it doesn't seem to be reeding it right.

You are going to have to do better in your explanation.
What side is sending and what is receiving on the system you have got working?

Plus post the code you have now.

on the arduino side

 * ArduinoNunchukDemo.ino
 * Copyright 2011-2013 Gabriel Bianconi,
 * Project URL:
 *plastic down 
 *top left A5 top right ground bottom left 3.3v bottom right A4

#include <Wire.h>
#include <ArduinoNunchuk.h>

#define BAUDRATE 19200
const int led = 13;
const int left = 12;
const int right = 7;
const int up = 4;
const int down = 8;
const int ledz = 2;
int c = 1;
int cbutton = 0;
ArduinoNunchuk nunchuk = ArduinoNunchuk();

void setup()
  pinMode(down,OUTPUT); // this is your basic code that says what pins do.

void loop()

  Serial.write(nunchuk.analogX); //first number to send
  Serial.write(nunchuk.cButton); //last number to send

                                                           // EVERYTHING PAST THIS POINT IS IRRELAVENT

 if (nunchuk.cButton == 1) {
    if (cbutton == 0) {
       if (c == 1) {
      cbutton = 1;
      c = 0;
    cbutton = 1;
    c = 1;
    cbutton = 0;
  if (nunchuk.zButton == 1) {
  if (nunchuk.zButton == 0) {
  if (nunchuk.analogY > 150) {
  if (nunchuk.analogY < 110) {
  if (nunchuk.analogX > 150) {
  if (nunchuk.analogX < 110) {

basicly what im trying to do is send these numbers over serial and recieve them in python to set each one as a variable.

on python

import serial
arduino= serial.Serial('COM3', 9600)
data =
hi = data[0] //Set hi to the first number.

OK I am not going to even read that until you put code tags round it.
If you don't know what that means read the how to use the forum sticky post.

Plus you need to say what it does, that is what you are seeing, and you need to post all the python code.

that is all the code.

Thanks for amending the post.

that is all the code.

If it is then how do you know it is not working? Is ther some error message that you have not been telling us about?

I would have expected to see a print statement somewhere to display what you got.

Go for just receiving one byte and printing it out.
When you open the buffer flush it to clear any stuff that the arduino has been spitting out.

Remember what python is receiving are characters they are not numbers yet until you convert them.

I dont know if you know python or not, but when i do

data =
hi = data[0]

it tells me the output. Heres what i did to test it.

On The arduino:

void setup() {
void loop() {

on python:

import serial
arduino= serial.Serial('COM3', 9600)
data =
hi = int(data[0])

depending on what i set "hi" to it gives me a different number. It will change even though all numbers printed on serial should be alike. If you need a example ask But while you respond i will be working on getting them.

Heres those examples

input >>> data =
input>>> data

i>>> data =


hi = int(data[1])

hi = int(data[2])

I dont know if you know python or not, but when i do it tells me the output. Heres what i did to test it.

So this is in the direct mode from the console?

When you send


You will send the ASCII codes 0x33, 0x30, 0x30. In decimal these will be 51, 48, 48
You are sending them very fast so you are filling up the buffer.

depending on what i set "hi" to it gives me a different number.

You need to say what the numbers are to make any sense of this.

Edit. Just seen your results, does this make sense to you now?
Comma is 44 in decimal as well. so it is working you are just not converting them correctly.

So. not to rush it or anything, but how would i fix it and send numbers like this across? Would you recommend breaking the numbers down before sending them? But after I break them down then what? Sorry BTW for being a total Noob at this.