I recently acquired a vdip1 and during a firmware update something went wrong, rendering the device unresponsive.
The only way to get it back to work is to reprogram the flash with the ROM firmware. Instructions on the vinculum site say to use their programmer software and a ft323 interface. The software is windows only (the first hurdle) and I don't have the ft323 interface either.
I've read that it is possible to program it over UART using other interfaces too, so I reckon that it should be possible to do this via the Arduino too?
Has anyone ever done this with the Arduino and VDIP1? I'm having trouble figuring out how it would be done. As far as I know you'd have to send the firmware over RX/TX to the VDIP, but I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that. I've alredy had it connected to the Arduino and successfully sent commands to it when it was still working ok (UART interface), but how'd you go about sending the firmware to the VDIP?
First. Rename a ROM-file to FTRFB.FTB and put it in the root of a USB memory stick. Stick it in the VDIP1 module. If all corect the firmware upgrade will start.
Second. Connect a switch to PROG and RESET. Start VPROG from the vinculum site, hold PROG while starting up the VDIP1, press RESET, release it and the firmware update should take place.
thanks for the reply. I've tried the first approach but because the VDIP1 isn't responding at all, I don't think this works (there's no lights or anything) - I believe that the firmware is corrupt.
The second approach isn't clear to me. DOes this work when the VDIP is plugged into the Arduino? As far as I can tell you need a ft323 interface to reprogram it via VPROG??