Arduino - Arducam - Bluetooth module

Hello to everyone!

Because I'm new here, I want to introduce myself first: My name is Chris and I did a lot of small arduino projects in the last year! This forum helped me a lot in all my projects so --> THX a lot in advance to all of you!!!

Now I'm starting a new project and I would like to ask you how it is possible to solve my problem!

The goal is to connect a arduino mega via bluetooth to my handy. The handyapp shold be able to show some data like temperature, water level,... (Aquarium control system).

BUT (and here is the tricky part):

I also wat to show pictures (made by a small cam) at the handy. Therefore I want to use an arducam system.

Here is an example how the arducam system could be connected via bluetooth:

My question is now: how could I send on the one hand the data and the control commands and at the same time also a picture, if requested?

I hope you have an idea because I've no idea at the moment! :wink:


My question is now: how could I send on the one hand the data and the control commands and at the same time also a picture, if requested?

Every block of data that you send needs to have something in it to define if it is camera data or not. The app that receives the data needs to parse the block of data to decide what to do with the data.

Every block of data that you send needs to have something in it to define if it is camera data or not. The app that receives the data needs to parse the block of data to decide what to do with the data.

Hello Paul,

thx for your hint! Huch, this seems to be complicated! :-[
I'll try it and 'll give feedback about progress. But possible it'll take some time! :wink:
