Arduino as ISP, Why not an ATmega168

I accidently ordered a couple of of extra Nano with ATmega 168 mpus.

I was thinking of useing one as a ISP using the "ArduinoISP.ino" sketch.
I note the MIT documentation says:
Arduino Uno or Duemilanove (w/ an ATmega328, not an older board with an ATmega168).

Why not an ATmega168 ???

Imagin lack of memory, SRAM or flash.

Imagin lack of memory, SRAM or flash.

The ATmega168 has 1K SRAM and 16K of FLASH.

The compiled sketch is just over 5K:
Binary sketch size: 5,492 bytes (of a 14,336 byte maximum)

Writes to the FLASH are done 0ne page at a time. SRAM is used to catch the FLASH pages.
Ref Atmel AVR109,
The Flash memory is divided into pages containing 32, 64, or 128 words each.

I imagine it has enough memory but I have been wrong before.

SRAM is used to catch the FLASH pages.

Only when you are running a self programming program. The the "ArduinoISP.ino" sketch is not a self programming program.

It looks like it is the lack of SRAM that is stopping you using a 168. I haven't looked at the code but I would expect there to be a call for bigger buffers. SRAM has to hold all program variables and buffers as well as the stack.

Only when you are running a self programming program. The the "ArduinoISP.ino" sketch is not a self programming program.

It looks like it is the lack of SRAM that is stopping you using a 168. I haven't looked at the code but I would expect there to be a call for bigger buffers. SRAM has to hold all program variables and buffers as well as the stack.

"I haven't looked at the code ...",
I have but it was not written with a lot of helpful comments.
Probably much more meaning for someone who is intimate with the entire process.

I also have Nic's "Atmega chip programmer" ... has quite a few more comments.
I might be able to muddle through that one.

I am going to try it anyway. I ordered a couple Atmega328's and ATiny45's to play with.
Worse case senario I am out a $7.00 nock off Nano.
(I ordered these figuring I might blow something up and I did not want it to be a premium board).

Best case is I have a $7.00 ISP programer with some extra pins.

More likely it does not work and I build a dedicated programer using one of the "play" chips I ordered.
Of course then I have to find another way to blow up the spare Nanos. ]:slight_smile: