so im trying to use the arduino as an ISP for a Attiny 45 micro controller(
and im follwing this guide ( so i have gotten the arduino to write a sketch to the attiny (i think) but when i upload it it gives me these errors (avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny45
avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny45) and then says done uploading. so after i uploaded the blink program to the attiny pluged in the LED, and it lit up... but didn't blink (and was really dim) then i took the resistor off the led and it was normal brightness. but also when i plug in the led to any other pin on the attiny (except VCC, and GND) it also lights up exactly the same.
could someone please help me get this working, i would really appriciate it.
by the way im using a arduino UNO to program it (with a ATMEGA328p-Pu)
and my IDE version is 1.0.1
Where did you get the ATtiny core from (the extension for the IDE because the standard, downloaded version of the IDE has no support for ATtinies)? Looks like the new items in boards.txt weren't installed correctly.
i got the attiny core from here:
the download link is on that page called (ATtiny
i extracted the files inside as directed by the instructions into a folder called hardware that they had us create in the sketchbook location
and it adds new items under the Tools>Board menu, im trying to upload it with the "ATtiny45 (external 20 MHz clock)" board selected
Are these "errors" ("avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny45") the only ones you get (you should get the warning exactly twice)?
If yes, that's a sign that the upload of your sketch was successful.
then i took the resistor off the led and it was normal brightness
Does that mean you ran the LED without a resistor? If yes, the chance is high you damaged your ATtiny. An LED must always have a resistor to limit the current running through it.
Can you make a picture of your wiring and post it? In the wiring plan you linked to there is no LED connected, so you must have added it yourself. Also, on that plan the ATtiny is clocked internally and not externally as your's. It also might be good to include the test sketch you're uploading, just to check it.
i just made the resistor smaller sorry for the confusion. i got to go, but when i get home i will take a picture or 2