Arduino as SPI Slave

Is it possible to use Arduino as SPI slave? If yes where to find the code/library for it?
I want transfer 256 byte of data from Arduino A to Arduino B!



Have you searched the forum yet ? this question has come up a number of times e.g. -,70625.0.html -

Thanks I checked that but there is no info regarding how to use in slave mode( how to receive data).
If anyone know how to do it plz provide the info/link and thanks in advance!

seen this thread - ?

I have code for an SPI slave here:

Thanks a lot Nick!
You are a star * XD

What will be the maximum Clock speed that Arduino can handle in Slave mode? Same as Master mode?

We did some tests not long ago, 4MHz is what's stated in the data sheet and that's what we got.

That is not sustainable though, at some point you have to do something with the data and if you take your eye of the SPI ball for long you'll drop it.


HI is that possible to tell our Slave SPI configured Arduino clock rate? ex. master is giving him 5MHZ clock so do we have facility to tell Arduino our clock rate is 5MHZ ??

The slave must obey the clock. There could be 1.234 seconds between clicks on the clock and the slave should work.

Many chips will have a maximum - the max quoted above, for example.