Arduino (ATMEGA168) + L293D ?


I just got an L293D chip like my friend suggested. I also read the datasheet for L293D here:

I've only been running the blink program and making LEDs blink

These are what I'm trying to do:
control a DC motor. I'll just be running the motor to run a Coke tin, like a wheel for a simple tank :slight_smile:

This is what I can understand right now:
The L293D chip allows controlling 2 DC motors or 1 stepper motor. Since I'll need to control only one DC motor, I'll basically be using one half of the chip.

Can anyone point me to the connections I have to make? Which pins have I to connect in the Arduino to what pins in the L293D and which ones should be connected to the motor?

Thank you in advance



Thanks for that google link. found some nice stuff but I have no problems with the programming part. just the pin connections confuse me.

can someone post pin connections I've to make?

P.S: Would I need anything apart from the Arduino, L293D, dc motor, and the batteries. Do I need any capacitors and resistors?

You'll need some decoupling capacitors, around 0.1 uF.

here's an example that may help. It uses the L293 to do what you're talking about: