Hi everyone,
I have scavengered some 7segment display with attiny2313 from an old Fuba set-top-box.My question is if somebody knows how to control it with arduino ?
here is picture:
Hi everyone,
I have scavengered some 7segment display with attiny2313 from an old Fuba set-top-box.My question is if somebody knows how to control it with arduino ?
here is picture:
Trace the leads, see what the 5 wires go to.
Am guessing, power, ground,maybe SCK/MOSI/CS on the 2313? Maybe Rx/Tx/Gnd?
Any other part numbers shownto go by?
Any parts on the back?
yes the black and white ones will be power suply I am guessing(because of they are leading to two capacitors).on the other side of the board there are just 4 smd tranzistors but nothing else.How can I discover what should I send to the attiny or is it possible to upload my sketch to the attiny just with arduino ?
Not enough info yet - put your meter on the other wires and see if they go to any of the 2313 pins.
If the 2313 has its lock bits set you will not be able to download code into it.
Without knowing what baud rate, what data formaet, etc, it will be difficult to know how to communicate.
The 4 transistors would suggest that the 4 digits are multiplexed.
What may be easier in the long run is to replace the 2313 with a part with a bootloader and download your own code into it.
You will need to figure out what is wired to what, so you need to make yourself a schematic.
Start by drawing the 2313 on a piece of paper, the transistors, the LED - look up their datasheet, I can see their part numbers look pretty clearly marked.
Then either follow the traces by hand, or use a meter and buzz from 1 pin to everything else on the board and draw it out.
Ok thanks you I will put there another attiny with my code instead.