I'm new to programming and Arduinos but I would really like to learn more about it.
I'm planning on making a cruise control system for my car.
My plan is to take the signal from the speedometer and use it to count the current speed.
When I have a certain speed, i would like to press a button too keep the car at that speed with a servo motor attached to the throttle. If the frequency drops, the servo would open the throttle more until the frequency matches the set speed frequency. And of course also the other way around.
For safety, I would like to take the signal from the brake lights to turn off the system.
And if it's possible to have two more buttons, one for increasing and one for decreasing the speed.
I've seen both Frequency counter library and Servo library that i think could be helpful.
Do you think that this project could work?
Is the Arduino capable of counting the speedos frequency and also control a servo at the same time?
Which Arduino board would you recommend me to buy for this project? I'm thinking about the Uno, Leonardo or the Mega but i don't really know the pros and cons.
What do you think?
Please notify me or move the thread if it's in the wrong category.
Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Sweden. Thanks.