Is there a way to to take text input from a barcode scanner process it with the arduino and then save it to a text file on a SD card and display it one line per scan in a txt file in the SD card. I want to be able to scan text with the barcode scanner so I can then later put the sd card in a card reader and read the scans line by line.
What kind of interface does your bar-code scanner have? Some use a PS/2 keyboard interface, some are serial and some have a USB interface. PS/2 and serial can be connected to the Ardunio using library code. USB bar-code scanners cannot be used, because the Ardunio cannot function as a USB host.
You'll have to tell us more! Does it connect a PS/2 keyboard to a USB host, or a USB keyboard to a PS/2 host? Remember, the Arduino cannot function as a USB host.
those kind of adapters only work on peripherals that already support the ps/2 protocol. its just a couple wires inside, it doesnt actually convert anything.
it doesnt work out of the box, but with the addition of 1 soldered wire it becomes a cheap ps/2 barcode scanner. i've got one laying around and it works fine. for 6 dollars id say its worth a shot.
instructions to modify the cue cat.
any major store has sd card readers, check walmart if theres one near. and the programming is going to be moderately difficult, there are a couple of threads about SD card interfacing with the FAT file system, search the forums to get some ideas.
how much of the sd card reader's hardware will i need, if i modify the cue cat can i use it as a regular ps/2 keyboard? would it be easier (if possible to do) to use a usb flash drive in stead of a sd card?
could i use this
I was looking for some info about how I could read from a CueCat (just got one recently) and write to an SD card and I found this thread. Perfect for what I need. I have to say that I am a beginner with controllers and electronics (very beginner) but I'm learning and I love my Arduino.
I still don't understand from this thread how can the CueCat (modified or not) be connected with the Arduino. I assume I can't just plug it in the USB port of the Arduino since Arduino is not a host. How else? Do I need to use the serial on the Arduino and maybe some special chip to connect (and talk) to the CueCat?
I'd be grateful for any ideas and help you guys can offer. Thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot for the quick reply, I'll be reading the article just now. My CueCat is USB so I guess I'll need an adapter from PS2 to USB. Thanks again.
My CueCat is USB so I guess I'll need an adapter from PS2 to USB.
No, you'd need an adapter from USB to PS/2, which doesn't exist.
OK, technically there are some devices (e.g. some Logitech mice) that can speak both protocols, have a USB connector attached, and come with a physical adapter to allow plugging to to a PS/2 port, but the adapter does nothing - it's all in the mouse.