I'm trying to make bot using arduino duemilanove and L293D driver ,ht12e and ht12d with rx and tx reciever and transmitter modules but it doesn't seems to work. the motor driver doesn't responds...
somebody please guide me...
I'm trying to make bot using arduino duemilanove and L293D driver ,ht12e and ht12d with rx and tx reciever and transmitter modules but it doesn't seems to work. the motor driver doesn't responds...
No schematics + no links + no code == no help.
i need a circuit with these components to drive the bot using RF pin coneections how to drivel293d through atmega 328..tell me if anybdy can gve me circuit...or any link..
adafruit has a motor shield that uses the L293D chip. You can find information there.
You also mention using RF transmitters. You should definitely take a project like this
in stages. 1: get Arduino and motor controller to work with hardwiring. 2: write a
separate program just to get the RF link communications working. 3: put 1+2 together.
ya...I have a program for this bot....but still not able to drive the motor...thanks for advice I'll try going in stages.