I purchased the Arduino Basic Kit a number of years ago. The directions say to go to Autodesk.com/Adruino to get started, but that page doesn't exist anymore. Does anyone have a link or PDF of the project directions for the parts included with the kit? Thanks
Not quite what you asked for but the programs appear to be available from the IDE under File/Examples/10.StarterKit_BasicKit
I think you will be lucky if anybody can send you a link with instructions specific to that kit.
Just use Google to search for the parts in your kit e.g. "arduino servo" , "arduino dc motor" or "arduino photoresistor" and you will get lots of ideas.
Start though by using just one LED and making it blink on and off the way you want using delay(). Then get it to do the same thing but without using delay(). You will learn a huge amount if you understand fully what is going on.
Yes, thank you for your replies and suggestions. Great to see an active forum too.