Hi guys,
I am quite new to the arduino environment. There are so many variants out there. Will like to get some comments from you guys. Thanks in advance.
My requirement are as follows :
to control 2 digital ports for 1/0 operation.
Able to read back the battery voltage. Will use resistor divider and feed to an analog pin.
Battery operate.
Low standby current when BLE is off.
Able to work in arduino IDE.
Few service to send back some message, battery voltage and to control 2 pins.
I believe is quite a simple task.
Previously play with DFRobot beetle BLE but it seems like current consumption cant be less than 1mA.
Currently I am using arduino nano 33 BLE for my trial. Everything is good so far but found out that it does not support a Li-ion battery connection.
In the process of looking at TinyPico and others.
Any advice are welcome. Thank you.
As you said, there are many variants. For what you listed, you could go with an Attiny85 and an I2C BLE module for minimum cost, size, and power draw, but that comes with it's own difficulties, perhaps a major difficulty finding libraries that fit on it. I'd suggest starting with a dev board and maybe downsizing to a bare MCU later, if your project needs it.
You can use something like https://www.amazon.com/DAOKI-GR-US-220-PA/dp/B086MJ464L (not recommending as I've never used them, but that's the basic type of thing you'd want) to use a lipo with the nano 33 BLE. Or you could use a USB battery pack with it.