Arduino / Bluetooth / iPhone

Hi all,

This is my first post and I hope someone can assist me.

I have only recently heard about the Ardunio and I have an idea for a project and wondered if this is the correct device to begin with.

The basic concept is that I would like an iPhone to receive a command via Bluetooth which in turn will trigger an installed app to automatically record the GPS co-ordinates of the phone and send them in an email and SMS message along with custom text that is set within the app.

My initial question is whether the Ardunio Uno with a Bluetooth stack is the best way to approach this idea?



My initial question is whether the Ardunio Uno with a Bluetooth stack is the best way to approach this idea?

What is it you want the Arduino to do? All I see it doing is sending something to the iPhone to trigger it to do something. Under what conditions will the Arduino tell the phone to do it's thing?

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply.

Ideally I would like to be able to physically trigger the Arduino to send the BT command but breaking a circuit of some sort. Ultimately the situation I would imagine is to have a device where you pull a pin out (similar to the functionality of a grenade) and the message is sent to the iPhone.

Does that make sense?

