I am currently developing a project using HC-05 bluetooth modules and Arduinos. The system is composed by masters and slaves bluetooth nodes, and one of the main system features is the master node inquiring the surrounding slaves for RSSI notification.
In case of HC-05, I get this using the AT command: AT+INQM=,,, setting p1, p2 and p3 to inquire RSSI, the maximum number of inquired devices and the timeout for the operation.
The thing is, the slaves nodes uses battery supply and I want to maximize it's duration, so I am considering to change my system bluetooth technology to BLE. I found on the internet these arduino shields based on HM-10 BLE modules, and I was also able to find its datasheet: http://www.ubermentis.com/files/HM-10_English.pdf
The thing I cannot understand from the documentation and I kindly ask you guys to help me is, using the command AT+RSSI on HM-10 modules is equivalent somehow to use the AT+INQM on HC-05 modules? Do I get the same results? Is there any other form to do so using HM-10 modules? Do you recomend any other module capable of doing this operation?
I would like to clarify this point prior to make such a deep modification in my system architechture.
Thank you in advance and best regards!