Arduino board stopped working after testing stepper motor with cnc shield. Laptop Speakers also stopped working

So I recently bought an Arduino Uno and a CNC shield for a mini CNC project. I bought SM-17HS4023 nema 17 stepper motors (0.7A/phase), DV8825 stepper drivers, an Arduino Uno, and a V3 CNC shield. As I was testing, I set the VREF of the drivers to 0.65 using a multimeter and connected a stepper motor. I then tested the motor using the Universal G-Code Sender, and the motor was rotating well. I did this with the other two motors, and it was okay. I then tested three 17CS04A-170E Nema 17 stepper motors, and everything was okay. I then tried the fourth motor, and I didn't notice any movement. I then checked the Arduino board, and its LEDs weren't working. I then disconnected the Arduino cable from my laptop and realized that my laptop usb port and audio jack weren't working. I then got another USB cable and plugged it into another USB port, but the Arduino board flashed for a second. I got another Arduino Uno board and tested the CNC shield, drivers, and stepper motors, and everything was okay. I then long-pressed the power button on my laptop, and the affected USB port and audio jack were now working, although my laptop speakers weren't producing sound. I used a 24W, 12V power supply to power the CNC shield. My speakers are still not working. What might have caused this problem? BTW, this was my first time playing with Arduino boards and CNC shields.

Please create the schematics for the setup. Words can never tell.

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How can I create schematics

Usually pen and paper works fine. Don't bother to show the fysical dimensions of the circuits. Simple boxes are good. Remember to show the logic/electric pin designations. Show voltage and polarity for the power sources. Please do not use Fritzing pictures.

Do some look around in forum! There are plenty of examples.

I use KiCad, it is a great CAD (Computer Aided Design) package that will take you from schematic capture to finished Gerber files that are used to make a printed circuit board. They ask for a donation but that is not required.

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