Does anybody know if the arduino bootloader is compatible with the ATmega128RFA1, and if so, can I use my arduino duemilanove to load it?
Does anybody know if the arduino bootloader is compatible with the ATmega128RFA1, and if so, can I use my arduino duemilanove to load it?
It will need some modification, nobody has done it yet as far as I know.
There was some discussion on doing it when the chip was first announced.
The current release of Arduino uses avr-gcc-lib 1.6.4 which does NOT support the 128rfa. Version 1.7 does. As soon as we get a new version of avr-gcc working, we will have support for the 128rfa and I will write a bootloader for it.
I got gcc 4.5.1 finally working (thanks to Rick) and I can compile for the atmega128rfa1. I will work on a bootloader and get it to you. Hopefully tomorrow.
Ok, thanks.
I want to use this on the Dresden deRFmega128-22A00 module.
Has anyone experience with this module?
Could you explain how to prepare a bootloader for this ATmega128rfa1 or paste some link with a guide to prepare a bootloader knowing the fuses?
I have a couple of these from sparkfun on order
Once I get them I will workout the bootloader and fuse bits and post the info.
I'll wait anxiously...
I have a couple of these from sparkfun on order
A couple???
They're not exactly something cheap to pick a couple up of
May I direct you here:
I've ported it for my Zigduino project. I haven't posted it publicly yet, but I'll be doing so in the next week. It was not hard, but I did have to swap in a later version of avr-gcc and libc. On Windows, it's pretty easy; you can drop in a later version of WinAVR.
And it's up on GitHub: GitHub - logos-electromechanical/Zigduino: Port of pre-1.0 Arduino bootloader and core for the Zigduino, a shield-compatible Arduino clone based on the Atmega128RFA1.
The repository is a bit incomplete so far -- I need to add some installation instructions, but it has all the code, plus WinAVR for the Windows users.