I am the owner of a Braccio bundle.
The Braccio motors are connected to a Braccio Shield V4 board, which is plugged in a Arduino UNO main board.
After mounting the arm i follow the instruction in the manual and i perform a alignment test with the "TestBraccio90" piece of code.
#include <Braccio.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Servo base;
Servo shoulder;
Servo elbow;
Servo wrist_ver;
Servo wrist_rot;
Servo gripper;
void setup () {
void loop() {
Braccio.ServoMovement (20, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 73);
Two things happened when the code was uploaded to the arm.
The first step "Braccio.begin" supposed to initialize function and set up initial position of Braccio Arm nearly throw the arm away, by making the moves so quickly and with some "violence".
Check the first picture to see how it's positioned in safe setup.
In a second time, the arm should position in upright position but in my case it's not.
Check the second picture to see how not upright the arm is.
The Quick Start Guide says in that case : "If it doesn't put the Braccio in the exact setting, you need to realign the position of the servo motors"
Ok fine, but HOW ??? didn't find anything about it.
Thanks for your time and answers.