Hi Everybody,
I'm trying to make a little app that can "bridge" serial commands received over bluetooth to a predefined TCP Port.
SO, I decided to buy an Arduino Bt and a Ether shield and the programming should be easy, but...
The first thing I've realilzed is that, even without any code loaded in the arduino bt, when I plug the ether shield the red led glows, but the four leds (Tx/Rx 10/100 Cd) are off (normally, when you plug an ether shield in a "regular" arduino, this leds turn on inmidiatly).
So, it seems that the ether shield is not working. I've also realized that the arduino Bt has 2 pin less in the "analog side", that correspond to the reset and the 3v3 Signal. SO, could it be posible that the ethershield is not getting the reset pin down properly. Shall I connect this pin to gnd?
Thx for your help