Arduino button press to clear browser cookies

Hi All!

I'm new here and have an idea for a project. I have an Arduino Leonardo and was thinking to use a simple capacitive touch sensor (as per instructed here: Arduino Playground - CapacitiveSensor). Essentially, what I would like to do is when I touch the capacitive sensor, I want it to clear the cookies in my browser.

How would I go about using the Arduino as a triggering platform to interact with Windows in that way?

Thanks for the help!

That sounds interesting, and I think the Arduino Leonardo can emulate a keyboard/mouse combination. So my thought is this: if there as a keyboard shortcut to clear cookies in your browser, and your browser is also the active program in Windows, you might be able to send the Ascii characters to Windows, which would pass that command to your browser to do the job. I'd like to know if it works.

Good luck.

John Doner