I recently started programming with Arduino and CanBus shield Elecfreaks. Currently I'm making a project 'new' cluster into an older vehicle. I want to use CAN bus shield for ARDUINO UNO and my goal is to write a program to convert some input data in hex format into CAN and send them on CAN bus.
So, can I use it in inverse application? (to put data on CAN bus) and send it(variable) over CAN bus protocol via cluster (canbus).
Anyone can help my problem?
Question 1) How to make it variable for byte5 & byte6 (speed)
Question 2) It is possible vss square wave (PWM) convert to HEX can id?
If can't. How to make it variable PWM at byte5 & byte6.
paul_reference.ino (3.81 KB)
Is this for a hobby or a commercial product?
what happends when you run the code such as
//Conversion Low and High Bytes
 speedL = lo8(roundedKph);
 speedH = hi8(roundedKph);
 CanSend(0x052, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, speedL, speedH, 0x00, 0x00);
does it display anything?
also add some print statements to check that roundedKph, speedL, speedH, etc have sensible values
do you have a Canbus monitor so you can check information flow on the bus - I tend to use a CAN-USB dongle for a PC
Q : does it display anything?
A : NO.
Nothing happen on the cluster @horace.
I suggest adding some print statements - roundedKph, speedL, speedH, etc may be 0
How CAN BUS - USB dongle function ?? It is same as canbus shield ? for send & received data.
I use a CANUSB to monitor the Canbus using a PC
similar devices are available on ebay for £20-30 - they tend to have a GUI which allows one to monitor data, set up parameters (speed, RTR, staandard/extended ID, masks, filters, etc) and send data to the bus
If you have a spare Canbus shield there is a Arduino_Canbus_Monitor on github
Thanks for reply @horace
So far code working with 4-Digit 7-Segment (Display Adafruit 0.56") without error.
Video : speed without can id - YouTube
is the canbus working OK then?