I am in the tedious process of switching from Windows to Linux. I just installed the Arduino 1.8.19 IDE on Fedora 40. The computer configuration is comprised of two disks, an SSD on which the Fedora OS is installed and a big 4TB HDD on which I plan to utilize to store all my files. By default Arduino uses /home/opti7060/Arduino for sketches location. I want my default location be changed to the HDD, in a folder location called
That should be easy enough ?
Despite my attempt to edit the folder location in Arduino, the information is not retained.
No error message appear when clicking the OK in preferences.
If I try to utilize the Browse button, I simply cannot see the /mnt/ folder.
If I force the location using Paste the editing will remain as long as Arduino is keep opened. If I try to save the sketch, Arduino will not let me navigate in the chosen folder, always keeping /mnt/ unavailable.
I also tried to modify the 'preferences.txt' file, no success here either.
I copied a sketch in the /mnt/Electronic/Arduino/ folder and tried to navigate with the Open menu to retrieve it. No succes here either. Arduino will simply prevent me to navigate in the folder.
It seems that Arduino limit access location in Fedora 40.
The Question: Why is Arduino prevent me from choosing /mnt/Electronic/Arduino/ folder as my default sketch location ?