I would like to save data that I am receiving from API calls in a char array. The problem is the data is around 80KB however my Arduino IoT 33 has 32KB of memory. It will save data in a char array that 25000 bytes however when I go to 30000 or above the Arduino freezes. When I copy-paste the entire data to a char array without specifying the size it works fine, however, when receiving data over API in chunks of 10KB it won't save the entire 80KB. Is there a way to go around this? A response will be appreciated.
Is this question in reference to the question you posted a few days ago about the following sample data? If so, convert the ASCII representation of the hex data to binary as you receive it, then store that in a byte array. With a length of 80540 bytes of received data, that should reduce to around 13.5K of data, which will fit in the 32K of memory. Would help if you could give some specifications of the eInk display so we know what size the image should be.
Is this question in reference to the question you posted a few days ago about the following sample data? If so, convert the ASCII representation of the hex data to binary as you receive it, then store that in a byte array. With a length of 80540 bytes of received data, that should reduce to around 13.5K of data, which will fit in the 32K of memory. Would help if you could give some specifications of the eInk display so we know what size the image should be.