Alright so i haven't been using the arduino for a very long time but, i am finishing up a project and i am trying to make an arduino clone built into the pcb with all of my other components on it.
The problem i am having is finding a schmatic for where resistors, capacitors and the like need to be attached to the atmega 328.
i looked at the arduino schematic and i made my head hurt. i pretty much want to make something like the boardduino but have it built into a larger board that will have everything i need snugly built into it.
anyone know any sites that will give me the info that i need?
i looked at the arduino schematic and i made my head hurt. i pretty much want to make something like the boardduino but have it built into a larger board
Sorry i know this is a double post but i really need to get an answer lol
I had Eagle drawn the leads and it made it double sided. Which is fine cause i am having it printed. However, i am worried about the connection, seeing as how i am still pretty new to this my question is do i need to put in vias or will i be able to solder all of the components to one side and still be fine because the connection points maybe work as vias?
If the board is being professionally fabricated then typically all the component holes will be "plated". You'll often see terms like "plated through-hole" or "PTH" to refer to regular (non-surface mount) assembly.
Plated holes have a lining of copper that joins the two sides of the board together, so yes, the component lead will act as a via. Typically you'll see solder flow through the hole and tent up on both sides of the board.
Something else you may find useful is a brief tutorial I wrote about PCB surface finishes:
I'm a big fan of the RBBB Take a look at the assembly Instructions and schematic, its very simple and does a lot of hand holding. Its easy to transfer the circuit to whatever you want. I use it on stripboard.