Arduino command line

Hi all,i would like to compile and upload my sketch to my NodeMCU board but i couldn't figure out board type parameter,what should i write for my board type.

I tried this but no luck :confused:

arduino --board esp8266:nodemcuv1:CpuFrequency=80 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --upload test.ino


--board package:arch:board[:parameters]

The esp8266 core has package name esp8266 and architecture name esp8266 so you're missing one of those. Try:

arduino --board esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv1:CpuFrequency=80 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --upload test.ino

Also, I don't know which version of the esp8266 package you're using but in the most recent there is no "nodemcuv1" board. There is nodemcu and nodemcuv2.