Arduino Connect Disconnect Repeatedly


I am using Arduino MKR 1010. I uploaded one simple program trying to control the led of the arduino. Everything was OK. Then I start using Blynk app. I tried to upload one program for WiFi control of one digital pin as an output. Then I saw that during the upload procedure the board connects and disconnects repeatedly and it is very difficult to program it. How to resolve this problem? I changed the cable and USB ports but the result is the same. I uploaded the fist program again and everything is OK now but I am not sure if I continue programming with Blynk app and this problem will occur again. Help me please? I use linux OS and online program editor. Is it better to install the offline program editor or the online tool is stable enough?

This is not an issue if it is what I think it is and is explained in a few posts in this section.

Both CREATE and the regular IDE are very stable at the moment.

I suggest you catch up on the posts at the top of the MKR section as they explain some things.
