I am having a little problem with the LED matrix (“Max 7219”) that I recently purchased. The component is connected with transistors according to this sketch I found (Arduino Playground - HomePage) and I have tried the following codes:
and also
Arduino Playground - Max7219 (but with the small change of wiring datain, load and clock to 2, 3 and 4 instead of what the photo shows).
Still, when I say that all the LEDs should be turned off/low, all of them are shining as bright as ever. If I tell one of them to blink, all of them are blinking (also, they are only blinking when the GND is disconnected). I don't think the LED matrix is faulty, because I have just bought a new one and it is an identical problem. This is the picture of the wiring (sorry for the wire mess):
Other people seems to have gotten this matrix to work with Arduino, any idea what I am doing differently? Also, I might add that I have had all the cables connected when loading the program over to Arduino, might that be the reason?
All help appreciated!