Arduino & control LED's

Hi all :slight_smile: i'm new with Arduino

I have small project , i need Arduino to working like relay to switch numbers of LED's on/off and can check status for them any time

i have the board "Arduino Duemilanove "

can someone help me where should i connect the LED's on the board ?

Start here: Tutorial Blink


check status for them any time

If your code is setting the LEDs then you already know the status, if not write the code so it keeps variables for this purpose.

If you really need to detect a blown LED that's a different story.

Thank you Korman :slight_smile:

#If you really need to detect a blown LED that's a different story. #

yes this is what i need

Why didn't you say so in the first post? From the whole appearance of you post, you came across as yet another 14-year old who wants to make leds blink.

The better yo describe your problem, the likelier you get an useful manner.

By the way, how are you driving your leds? Directly connected to the ports or via a multiplexer of some type?


There may be a better way but my first thought would be to use an analogue IP connected to the point between the resistor and the LED. Assuming this point is the LED anode then read the voltage at this point when the LED is supposed to be on, ie the digital pin driving it is HIGH.

2v (or thereabouts) = OK
5v = no LED or blown
0v = short

thank you all for this helpful replys.. :slight_smile:

first of all i'm just Programmer in VB.Net and not very well with Electroincs , and came across to use Arduino becz "part of my Project using AC relay to control some Equipments remotely" but becz my Project still Demo so i go to use Arduino board


i have Arduino Board connected with PC, and one LED connected with GND & pin 13 and i have code to control the LED . is that enough?

note: Arduino Board not in my hand right now and will got it within 4 days. so that is why i just ask and ask

Thanks in advance for your help ::slight_smile:


Dears ,,, i need your Help

I guess my first answer was better than it was given credit.


I'm sorry Dear.

i will wait to got the part and make all self researches & tests, if there is any difficulties i will back to you and ask clear questions

thanks for your help