Arduino controlled potentiometer

Very, very new to Arduino so apologies for any idiocy shown :slight_smile:

I am on my second project and want to confirm this is doable and any ideas.

I have a device, some gaming pedals, where the loadcell reading is adjusted by a clumsy and unreliable analogue pot. I want to replace it with one I can control from my PC. So assuming its a 10k pot, I want to enter into a screen to set mine to say 1.8k and that value will survive reboots.

Is that doable and is anybody aware of any ready made projects that I can confirm wiring, etc. from?


You may be able to do what you want by replacing the manual potentiometer with a digital potentiometer controlled by an Arduino.

However if all you need to do is adjust the potentiometer accurately and then leave it set for all time an Arduino seems overkill. Maybe what you need is a multi-turn preset potentiometer.


"the loadcell reading is adjusted by a clumsy and unreliable analogue pot"

That kind of indicates the easy fix is to get a better pot.