I need to control current flowing trhrough 24V dc supply and read it again with arduino , I know I must use transistor but I don't know how all the examples in the internet was so confusing I cant understand anything please help..
I need to control current flowing trhrough 24V dc supply and read it again with arduino , I know I must use transistor but I don't know how all the examples in the internet was so confusing I cant understand anything please help..
Welcome to the forum.
Please read the post at the start of any forum , entitled "How to use this Forum".
Is the 24Vdc supply connected to the Arduino as a supply?
What do you want to control the current too?
How much current?
Do you want to high side or low side switching?
Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
Please give us more details.
Thanks.. Tom...
Hi Tom I wanna controş 4-24mA, and no just the grounds of arduino and supply's connected.
I am quite beginner.
4 - 20mA loop I think is what you mean.
Most basic Arduino do not have an analog output, they PWM a digital output to control the average voltage.
Have you googled;
arduino 4-20ma output
Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
What is your project controlling with 4-20mA loop?
Thanks.. Tom...
Show us a good schematic of what you think the circuit might look like.
Give links to components.
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