Arduino crashes/freezes

Hello everyone,
Its my first time posting here so if i am doing something wrong please let me know and be patient with me.

I have an arduino board controlling 2 relay modules i found on the internet, they have optocouplers and a XL9535 chip which i had a bit of a hard time understanding how to call write to it but i managed. My program controls 4 motors and a VFD. My arduino is connected to an optocoupler which in turn is connected to 4 buttons. Each button is powered with 5v and closes the loop which tells my optocoupler there is a signal and incoming and in turn it grounds my arduino PULL UP pin. There are 4 motors and two limit switches and a button which is pressed to execute the action. My program is simplified as follows:

void loop() {
    updateAllButtonStatuses();  // I am polling for the button statuses
if (motor1OnOffButton.getStatus()) {  // I am doing this for the 4 motors...
    } else {

if (autoButton.getStatus() || autoModeActive) {
      autoModeActive = true; // Set the flag to indicate auto mode is active

if (limitFront.getTriggeredStatus()) {
 while (!limitBack.getTriggeredStatus()) {
        autoModeActive = false; 

My issue comes and goes, sometimes everything works as intended for up to 8 hours straight, then the next day it crashes every 5 minutes. I cant seem to find a correlation to it.

Whenever the crash occurs my relay modules, which connect via I2C to my arduino turn all the relays off. But i can see the correct signals coming into my arduino through my optocouple. I can also see the relay modules are on. I suspect there is something going on with my I2C connection so ill share how i write to the chip:

void XV2::setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
    Wire.begin(); // Start the I2C bus

    // Set each pin as output
    for (Pin pin = X0; pin < NUM_PINS; pin = static_cast<Pin>(pin + 1)) {
        setPinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

bool XV2::checkI2CError() {
    if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0) {
        Serial.println("I2C communication error!");
        return true;
    return false;

void XV2::setPinMode(Pin pin, bool mode) {
    uint8_t port = pin < Y0 ? 0 : 1;
    uint8_t pinNum = pin % 8;
    Wire.write(port ? CONFIG_PORT_1 : CONFIG_PORT_0);
    if (checkI2CError()) return; // Check for I2C error
    Wire.requestFrom((uint8_t)DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)1);
    uint8_t config;
    if (Wire.available()) {
        config =;
    if (mode == OUTPUT) {
        config &= ~(1 << pinNum);
    } else {
        config |= (1 << pinNum);
    Wire.write(port ? CONFIG_PORT_1 : CONFIG_PORT_0);
    checkI2CError(); // Check for I2C error

void XV2::digitalWrite(Pin pin, bool value) {
    uint8_t port = pin < Y0 ? 0 : 1;
    uint8_t pinNum = pin % 8;
    Wire.write(port ? OUTPUT_PORT_1 : OUTPUT_PORT_0);
    if (checkI2CError()) return; // Check for I2C error
    Wire.requestFrom((uint8_t)DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)1);
    uint8_t output;
    if (Wire.available()) {
        output =;
    if (value == HIGH) {
        output |= (1 << pinNum);
    } else {
        output &= ~(1 << pinNum);
    Wire.write(port ? OUTPUT_PORT_1 : OUTPUT_PORT_0);
    checkI2CError(); // Check for I2C error

My setup goes like this:

Optocoupler (button and limit switches signals) -> arduino mega -> i2c comms to relay board with optocoupler -> contactors-> motors/vfd

Congratulations. Which one out of some 20 different boards is it?

One good link is this: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / IDE 1.x - Arduino Forum

Good. Please post schematics/wiring diagram telling how.

Please post the entire code. Helpers don't need and don't want cut outs.

My educated guess is that you didn't use snubbers on the relay contacts.

So this is a wiring diagram of how i got it set up.

I got the RC Snubbers on each contactor coil, should i place them on each relay as well?

red is 24 v ac coming from a control transformer.
green is sda scl wires i forgot to place the 5v and gnd which is also connected to arduino
blue is 5v power supply to arduino
orange is theground signal coming into arduino
yellow is the 5 v signal going into optocoupler.

I call that a toddler drawing. No useful (electrical) information provided.

If you're switching inductive loads (contactor coils) with the smaller relays, then they need snubbers as well. Which ones depend on the type of contactor coil supply. 24volt? AC/DC?

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