I've used my Arduino Diecimila for several weeks, but now it won't download a sketch from my Vista PC.
Here is what happens"
On power up:
power led goes on.
tx and rx blink for a couple of seconds, then go dark
On upload sketch:
tx and rx blink for 10-20 seconds, then go dark
L blinks
No errors on PC, but nothing works.
Upload again,
L continues to blink
PC reports "Problem uploading board"
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51
How is this debugged? Should board be replaced or bootloader reprogrammed? Is it worth replacing ATMEGA168 chip rather than whole board?
Mine started to do the same thing a few days ago. It turned out there was a little strand of wire that had fallen onto the board and shorted one pin of the oscillator to ground. I have also gotten this error when the chip was not entirely inserted or inserted incorrectly. I would check these things first. You might even try taking the atmega168 out of the socket and re-inserting it to be sure. Also, did you change the usb port you were using to program? That has also given me errors in the past.
I have 4 BBB's that were doing the same thing from the moment I built them. I did a bunch of research and looked at a few forums. This is what I discovered:
The message is pretty generic and means that it didn't communicate with the board properly. In the case of the Deicimilia, which should not require a reset before uploading, the problem is a setting on the serial port.
Change this serial port setting: Device Manager -> Com Ports -> USB Serial Port -> Port Settings -> Advanced button -> Set RTS On Close"
This solved the problem 100% for me. I did note, however that others that were having the problem may have fried their boards.