Arduino Diecimila won't upload


I'm a brand new user, so take it slow and easy on me! ::slight_smile:

I plugged in my brand new board (got in the mail today!) and it powered up, no probs (using USB A-B connector), tried installing the drivers and never knew if I did this right. The 'add new hardware' wizard never appeared regardless of which USB port I connected it too. I checked in Device Manager to see if the drivers had been installed, and I'm guessing they were as I manually started the wizard through the 'update drivers' option for COM1 and pointed the wizard to the drivers folder. Wizard said that there weren't any better drivers than the ones installed already. I figured that the drivers were installed so i went on to step 2, the 'hello world' sketch.
I ran the sketch in the arduino program, verified it, and then tried uploading. Several times. Each time I recieved this message :

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x5

I have no idea what that means, and I tried going through the troubleshooting FAQ, and eventually it pointed me here.

Any suggestions?

This sounds silly but I'll throw it out there because I ran into it myself when I first got my board - are you sure you're plugging it in completely?

I also wasn't getting the add hardware wizard, and it was because I was being too delicate with the thing and not pushing the USB connector completely into the socket on the board. It would power up and look like it was working, but the computer wouldn't see it.

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

well, that may have been partly it :o as you were right in that I didn't push it in hard enough, but I'm still getting the error above. .

Did it install drivers this time? If not check in device manager for any devices with the yellow question mark. I would also guess that com1 is not the correct port unless you computer has no other serial ports or modems.

Yup, it installed the drivers this time. It went through the 'add new hardware' wizard twice, once for the serial and then for the USB. Each time I pointed it to the driver pack. So now the drivers are definitely installed and running.

I'm at work now, so I'll have to check some more tonight when I get home and see if I can find something else.

Ok, you should see another com port available in the IDE. Select it and you should be good to go.