Arduino Digital Pins

Can the Digital Pins on the Arduino Mega be a ground for example powering a motor thus allowing two pins polarity to be switched

Why don't I understand your question?

In theory yes. In practice no. There is a current limit per pin (20 mA safe maximum) and you need flyback diodes between plus-side and minus-side of the motor and with two possible plus-sides and two possible minus-sides that is not going to work as far as I see,

Yes - when they output a '0', that is ground.

Almost certainly not:

This is why motor drivers are used between an Arduino (or any other microcontroller) and a motor

Essentially yes provided the current is kept low. For example I drive a tiny stepper motor in a clock movement via a 220R series resistor from a pair of pins on a Nano to get bipolar current pulses.

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No. Not directly for loads more than 20mA. You also run the risk of a power cross connect that can fry your card. What you want is an H-bridge motor driver card.

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In principle it is possible but for very small motors and only enough to see that they work. Another question is how long everything will work this way.

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