hope you can help me, don't really know where to start.
I got
2x Freescale MPX5700DP pressure sensors
1x Arduino Uno
1x 2.8 ITDB02 Arduino TFT Shield (2.8" Display with shield for arduino)
I get the arduino to show some messages on the display, or write something.
But know the idea of my project:
I would like to use the arduino to show me the pressure of each pressure sensor on my TFT Display, nothing special but I am new to the arduino thing and don't really know how to start.
Got different libraries, for sensor, the TFT and the normal libraries...problem here is the display, it takes so much working space of the arduino (librarie is very big) so I think i need a mega, that's not the problem.
My main problem is that i dunno how to programm the arduion, so it will work for my project.
Best regards,
Miles and hope you can help me.
will be thankfull for every single tip.