Hello, recently I bought 2 Arduino Unos(not original) because I wanted to make a project with nRF24L01. I made it work and the second Arduino received the signal and displayed it on LCD.
But today when I plugged both in my computer strangely the receiving arduino didn't get recognized by the computer. I unplugged it and plug it again tried different ports different cables but it refuses to get recognized. But the code that was on it still worked.
Did I fried something in the Arduino or am I missing something? I unplugged everything from it and still nothing. If someone can tell me what gone wrong it would be of great help.
Verify each part alone, then connected (re-wire), then again in tx/rx. Wires and contacts can "rust" loose (I have a breadboard that works with discrete components, but not with a DIP - to include one of many Nanos).
The problem is that the arduino doesn't get recognized by the computer. It doesn't show in the ports when I open Device Manager. The parts are fine they work as intended. The arduino is disconnected from every component and on its own doesn't get recognized.