Arduino doesn't get recognized

Hello, recently I bought 2 Arduino Unos(not original) because I wanted to make a project with nRF24L01. I made it work and the second Arduino received the signal and displayed it on LCD.

But today when I plugged both in my computer strangely the receiving arduino didn't get recognized by the computer. I unplugged it and plug it again tried different ports different cables but it refuses to get recognized. But the code that was on it still worked.

Did I fried something in the Arduino or am I missing something? I unplugged everything from it and still nothing. If someone can tell me what gone wrong it would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.

Verify each part alone, then connected (re-wire), then again in tx/rx. Wires and contacts can "rust" loose (I have a breadboard that works with discrete components, but not with a DIP - to include one of many Nanos).

The problem is that the arduino doesn't get recognized by the computer. It doesn't show in the ports when I open Device Manager. The parts are fine they work as intended. The arduino is disconnected from every component and on its own doesn't get recognized.

Is your USB cable power and data or power only?

xfpd is right. Check your cables, and that you use USB2 only. Windows 10 (if ever that's what you're using) is a bugger with COM ports nowdays.

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