Hi, trying to program an attiny85.
went to preferences, linked to attiny board, installed. Now the attiny shows up under boards.
when I place the attiny folder in the hardware folder, arduino won't start.
I have ver 1.6 and 1.8, neither work.
if you need the other component versions, just ask. at work, but i can dig them up.
i'll post the link to the instructions in awhile when i get home. it said 2 things have to be done. preferences, link to github, then go to board manager and install. then to get the attiny folder and place it in the hardware folder.
There are two options for installation: Boards Manager or Manual. You chose one or the other. You don't need to do both of them. Manual installation is only necessary if you want to do beta testing of the development version of the project. Regular users should do the Boards Manager installation.